

Nom de l'objet : photograph
Numéro de catalogue : PHO52141
Numéro d'accession : 1970.0071.0001.054
Description : A longitudinal view of a river as it flows through a canyon. Both shorelines of the river are either of dirt and rock or (in the foreground) vertical rock faces. In the background can be seen three heavily forested hillsides. In the lower left hand corner of the photograph, '322 - Hells Gate, Fraser Canyon' appears in white lettering.
Nombre d'objets : 1
Département : B.C. Heritage Branch
Établissement : Barkerville Historic Town  Facebook-Barkerville Historic Town  Twitter-Barkerville Historic Town 
Ville de l'établissement : Barkerville
Province de l'établissement : British Columbia

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