

Nom de l'objet : photograph
Numéro de catalogue : PHO66115
Numéro d'accession : 2003.0028.0001.1-5
Description : Historic stamp. This is a collection of post cards with historic stamp images on them. The stamp images date from 1851 to 1859. 2003.28.1.1 is a card with the image of Queen Victoria on it in black and white, its cost was 12 pence and the stamp its based on was originally issued on June 14, 1851. 2003.28.1.2 is a card with the image of a beaver on it. Above the beaver is a crown. The stamp is red and white. It is worth 3 pence and was issued on April 23, 1851. It was the first stamp issued by the Province of Canada. 2003.28.1.3 is a card featuring a blue and white image of Jaques Cartier. This stamp was worth 10 pence and was issued in December 1854. The portrait was done by Francois Riss. The design was suggested by W.H. Griffin the Deputy Postmaster General. It is the only card whose stamp has two denominations on it, both 10 pence and 8 unknown currency. 2003.28.1.4 is a card with a side view of Queen Victoria in red and white. It is worth one half penny and was issued in July of 1857. The portrait is from a Great Britain contemporary stamp design of the era. 2003.28.1.5 is a card featuring a 6 pence brown and white stamp with the image of H. R. H. Albert, The Royal Consort. The stamp was issued in January 1859 and H. R. H. portrait was by W. Drummond. Height: 4 in.. Length: 5.75 in..
Nombre d'objets : 1
Département : B.C. Heritage Branch
Établissement : Barkerville Historic Town  Facebook-Barkerville Historic Town  Twitter-Barkerville Historic Town 
Ville de l'établissement : Barkerville
Province de l'établissement : British Columbia

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