

Nom de l'objet : photograph
Numéro de catalogue : PHO89363
Numéro d'accession : 1998.0008.0014
Municipalité d'origine : Wells
Description : A black and white photo with inscription on the back 'Cariboo Gold Fields: Barkerville and Cow Mt'ns in background. Lowhee Gulch separating the two. Wells townsite in valley where the Willow River also runs. Said river will soon be blocked by the tailings from Island Mtn. Mill. Taken on Cornish Mtn. Above the Cariboo Coronada Gold Mine. Just enough snow on the ground to make good moose and caribou hunting. Nov 20th 1936 - 35.
Nombre d'objets : 1
Département : B.C. Heritage Branch
Établissement : Barkerville Historic Town  Facebook-Barkerville Historic Town  Twitter-Barkerville Historic Town 
Ville de l'établissement : Barkerville
Province de l'établissement : British Columbia

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