

Nom de l'objet : Plate
Titre : Plate
Type de l'objet : Picnic
Catégorie de l'objet : Tools & Equipment
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Food Service
Matériaux : Plastic
Numéro de catalogue : 2000.033.346 B
Numéro d'accession : 2000.033.346 B
Date de début de production : 1930
Date de fin de production : 19991231
Description : This plastic dinner plate is part of the contents enclosed in the picnic suitcase described below. Small black suitcase whose interior has been reinforced & fitted with elastic straps to hold utensils. Case has many nicks & scratches in covering, through to wood frame. Lid has 8 straps inside & holds 4 large plastic plates, 4 small plastic plates and 1 large can opener with white plactic handle. Four of the straps in the lid are not in use. The main part of the case holds 4 glass mugs, a pair of salt & pepper shakers, a bottle opener, 1 small can opener with yellow grip, 1 Quick & Easy opener, 3 corks, 1 threaded stopper, a small jar holding sugar, a thermos, a package of thermos parchments, a tablecloth, & a cloth bag of cutlery (1 dinner knife, 2 dinner forks, 2 tablespoons, 3 teaspoons, 7 dessert forks) 1 tally note, 1 brown paper bag.
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Nom des parties composantes : Pink dinner plate
Département : Cultural History
Établissement : Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  Facebook-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  Twitter-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  YouTube-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Calgary
Province de l'établissement : Alberta

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