

Nom de l'objet : Pipe
Titre : Pipe
Type de l'objet : Catlinite
Tomahawk Shaped
Catégorie de l'objet : Instruments & Utensils
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Smoking Equipment
Matériaux : Catlinite
Bird Skin
Horse Hair
Numéro de catalogue : AP 136 A-B
Numéro d'accession : 63/39
Continent d'origine : North America
Secteur géo-culturel : Plains
Groupe ethnolinguistique : Plains Cree
Date de fin de production : 1885
Description : a) Made from catlinite in the shape of a tomahawk. Pointed (French) blade. Lead inlays consist of: a turtle on either side of the blade, a solid band around the stem joint with two strips, each with a ball at its end, extending along either side of the shank and crossing each other mid-way, and a wide band around the rim of the bowl, two narrower bands around the bowl which are intersected by four vertical bands up the bowl. b) Flat wooden stem. Mouth end quill wrapped in three wide bands - outside red, inside green - separated from each other by a purple and white band. Bird skin with feathers, covered by light red horse hair on inside end. Both ends of the quill work have a light red cloth wrapped around them. Plain end has two grooves cut into the wood at quill and pipe bowl end, and on the sides between these two sections. These grooves have been coloured red.
Hauteur : a) pipe: 22.0
Longueur : b) stem: 56.5
Largeur : pipe: 12.0, stem: 4.0
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 2
Nom des parties composantes : PIPE HEAD (A
Département : Ethnology
Établissement : Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  Facebook-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  Twitter-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  YouTube-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Calgary
Province de l'établissement : Alberta

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