

Nom de l'objet : Pouch
Titre : Pouch
Type de l'objet : Pouch
Catégorie de l'objet : Containers
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Multi-Purpose
Matériaux : Buckskin
Numéro de catalogue : AF 655
Numéro d'accession : 893/12
Continent d'origine : North America
Secteur géo-culturel : Plains
Groupe ethnolinguistique : Nakoda
Description : Fully beaded on front with a light blue background with a floral spray set in consisting of an eight petalled flower in centre with light purple trim, alternating red and dark blue petals and a yellow and silver circle in centre, a green sprig extends down and out to either side at bottom and has a red trimmed green leaf at either end, two green sprigs curve up and out from top and have a four petalled dark blue trimmed, red flower at their ends, a green sprig extends up from top petal of central flower with three red trimmed green leaves at it's top and a sprig from either side of leaves has five red buds along it's length, panel is bordered all round with a single row dark blue line connecting dark blue bordered red squares, outer border down either side has a light blue border with dark blue and red insets. Embroidered across top front with light blue and red beads. Carrying handle has a cloth core wrapped with white and dark blue beads. Fringe across bottom approx 24.1 cm long has a mixture of blue and clear baskets beads on each strand at top, thin strip of buckskin attached to top of fringe piece has a row of small "hawk" bells attached to it. Beadwork is done with seed beads, in overlay stitch, onto heavy buckskin with cotton thread. Back piece of bag is of soft unsmoked buckskin.
Longueur : 23.0
Largeur : 17.5
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 1
Département : Ethnology
Établissement : Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  Facebook-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  Twitter-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum  YouTube-Glenbow-Alberta Institute, Glenbow Museum
Ville de l'établissement : Calgary
Province de l'établissement : Alberta

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