
Print, Photographic

Image - Print, Photographic
Pour © contacter :
MacBride Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Print, Photographic
Numéro d'accession : 1989.1.201
Description : The image shows a portrait of a man, William D. MacBride, standing with his hand in his pocket, while the other hand holds a large open book containing photographs.
Commentaires : William D. MacBride arrived in the Yukon in 1914, after a rather difficult early life, having been orphaned when both his parents died within 3 months of each other. He went to school in Montana, after which he moved to Washington State to pursue a business education. He moved to Oregon after graduating, to work for a construction firm and then for the Great Northern Railroad as a secretary, where he stayed until 1912. From there he went to Alaska, to manage the Northern Navigation Co. at St. Michael, until finally he moved to Whitehorse in April, 1914, to work for the navigation division of the White Pass and Yukon Railway. His career there included positions as chief clerk, freight dispatcher, public relations officer and district passenger representative. He spent much of his spare time collecting historical documents and books, and compiling records for various publications. He founded the Yukon Historical Society and represented the Board of Trade on the museum committee. MacBride Museum was named after him in recognition of his continuing efforts to promote the heritage of the Yukon in general and Whitehorse in particular.
Sujet ou image : Yukon People
Établissement : MacBride Museum  Facebook-MacBride Museum  Twitter-MacBride Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Whitehorse
Province de l'établissement : Yukon Territory

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