
Transparency, film

Image - Transparency, film
Pour © contacter :
MacBride Museum
Tous droits réservés.
Nom de l'objet : Transparency, film
Numéro d'accession : 2004.2.2
Description : A Movie Jecktor film strip that consists of a box that has images of Tarzan and is entitled, "JUNGLE TALES OF TARZAN, series No. 135". Printed on the bottom of the box is "PROJECTOR PATENTED, No. 1, 929, 353. THE MOVIE - JECKTOR CO. 200 FIFTH AVE., N.Y.C.". The box has an opening for the film strip to spooled off into the Movie Jecktor. Inside the box is a film strip of translucent tissue-like paper (80 mm broad) with two comic-like images, placed side by side, with roughly sixty images on one reel (1.3 m. in length). The film strip is wrapped around a hollow wooden spool.
Commentaires : RO Bishop, a storyteller, who uses magic lanterns to tell his tales, visited the Yukon in the 1990s, where he performed his patented, 'Last Magic Lantern Show'; a show that plays annually in Seattle, Washington. Afterwards, he began donating some of his equipment and slides to MacBride Museum on the condition that the artefacts be used. This is illustrated in his letter to the museum where he states, "...I am not interested in having the materials stored and preserved. If they are not used in the manner they were designed for then they remain but glass and there is no magic.
Fonctions : The movie jecktor is the American version of the Spanish Nic animation that began in 1932. You use the movie jecktor by looking into the eyeholes and turning the crank. The film strip consists of two images, placed side by side, with roughly sixty images on one reel. Turning the crank closes one of the lenses and opens the other shifting to a different lens with each rotation. This back and forth motion creates a rudimentary cartoon. To further generate the sense of a movie, the diaphanous cartoon strip is lit by a light bulb located at the end of the jecktor. This movie jecktor belonged to RO Bishop.
Sujet ou image : Everyday Life
Établissement : MacBride Museum  Facebook-MacBride Museum  Twitter-MacBride Museum 
Ville de l'établissement : Whitehorse
Province de l'établissement : Yukon Territory

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