

Nom de l'objet : painting
Titre : Kazimir Malevich. Suprematism, Study for a Curtain
Artiste ou artisan : Taras Polataiko
Catégorie de l'objet : painting
Médium : acrylic
Support : canvas
Numéro d'accession : 1996.3
Titre de l'exposition : 1997 MAG, Saskatoon, SK. 11 Jul-24 Aug
Province d'origine : Saskatchewan
Pays d'origine : Canada
Continent d'origine : North America
Culture : Ukrainian
Date de fin de production : 1995
École ou style : Canadian
Description : Polataiko takes a photograph of a reproduction of a photograph of a painting. Then he paints it, with a GLARE, already seeing before him its eventual reproduction. ... The painter takes a photograph ... which he bends. Across the fold of its bent surface a GLARE forms on top of the GLARE that was photographed on the fold of the bent surface of the reproduction. The identity of the painter belongs to the wresting of the painterly instant folded in the strata of the mechanically reproduced series. ... Polataiko scales his paintings to the dimensions of the original" canvasses by Malevich. What we have here is painting on the scale of painting, and eventually, here, reproduction on the scale of reproduction. Some details of both the photographic reproduction and the time and place of Polataiko's photographs of the reproductions are recalled by these GLARE paintings." (Anand Thakker, GLARE: TARAS POLATAIKO, 1994, pp.3-4).
Hauteur : 202.5
Largeur : 118.9
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Sujet ou image : nonrepresentational
Signature : In red marker ink, stretcher trc: TARAS POLATAIKO
Translittération de l'inscription : In red marker ink, stretcher trc: [SIG] // "KAZiMiR MalEvich, // SupREMATiSM: STUDY FOR A // CURTAIN" // ACRylic ON CANVAS // 202.5 x 118.6 // 1995
Département : Collections
Publications ou références : Enright, Robert. "Truth or Glare: The Formal Deceptions of Taras Polataiko." 15(May 1996): repro. p.22
Établissement : Mendel Art Gallery  Facebook-Mendel Art Gallery  YouTube-Mendel Art Gallery
Ville de l'établissement : Saskatoon
Province de l'établissement : Saskatchewan

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