

Nom de l'objet : installation
Titre : Untitled
Artiste ou artisan : Brenda Francis Pelkey
Type de l'objet : colour
Catégorie de l'objet : photograph
Médium : Ilfochrome prints
Support : aluminum panels
Numéro d'accession : 1996.5.a-d
Titre de l'exposition : 1997 MAG, Saskatoon, SK. 11 Jul-24 Aug
1996 MAG, Saskatoon, SK. 3 May-14 Jul (#8, part of art project: LANDSCAPE '96)
Fabricant : Light Visions Ltd.
Province d'origine : Manitoba
Pays d'origine : Canada
Continent d'origine : North America
Culture : Canadian
Date de fin de production : 1995
École ou style : Canadian
Description : In her current series, entitled 'as if there were grace,' Pelkey has discarded traditional notions of documentary altogether. Although the photographs appear to document particular sites and the texts appear to be records of oral history, any attempt to read the works as straight documents is dispelled by the oppressive, claustrophobic atmosphere and dramatic lighting of the images and the disturbing tone of the texts. The texts, many of which are in the third person, consist of abbreviated narratives of events people recounted to Pelkey while she was engaged in the production of the photographs, and, as such, resist the viewer's attempt to identify them as being the artist's voice or the singular voice of a real or fictional narrator. The images present mundane scenes that have been made to appear hyperreal through the use of theatrical lighting, saturated colours, and disturbing contrasts of light and dark." (Dan Ring, GRANT McCONNELL & BRENDA PELKEY: MEMENTO MORI pp.6,8)
Hauteur : 145.3
Largeur : 102.6
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre d'objets : 1
Nombre de parties composantes : 4
Nom des parties composantes : photograph
text panel
wooden supports (two)
Sujet ou image : landscape
path through woods
Translittération de l'inscription : On text panel: at least ten years had passed since it happened // thorns had encased her body // leaving only her nose and eyes free // after each visit the wreathed thorns began to fall away // much of what she told me could never again be repeated - the words spoken aloud
Département : Collections
Publications ou références : Ring, Dan. "Grant McConnell & Brenda Pelkey: Memento Mori." Saskatoon: Mendel Art Gallery, 1996, #8, repro. p.23
Établissement : Mendel Art Gallery  Facebook-Mendel Art Gallery  YouTube-Mendel Art Gallery
Ville de l'établissement : Saskatoon
Province de l'établissement : Saskatchewan

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