

Nom de l'objet : painting
Titre : The Expulsion from Paradise (as it occurred on the Old Penetanguishene Road)
Artiste ou artisan : Hartman, John
Type de l'objet : diptych
Support : canvas
Numéro d'accession : 1993.10.26.A-.B
Date de début de production : 1989
Date de fin de production : 1990
Hauteur : 244.0
Largeur : 336.0
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Signature : along b. r. edge in paint: Hartman
Translittération de l'inscription : recto of right panel, b.r. in red paint: MIDLAND Golf & Country Club; along b.r. edge: HARTMAN; verso, center l. in graphite: The Expulsion from Paradise (As it occurred//on the Old Penetanguishene Road)//1989-1990//oil on canvas//Diptych (Right hand canvas when viewed from front)//John Hartman; verso, along l. side and t.r.corner: arrows pointing outside edge and pointing up; verso of left panel, t.r.corner: The Expulsion from Paradise//(as it occurred on the Old//Penetanguishene Road)//1989-1990//oil on canvas//diptych (left hand canvas when viewed from front)//John Hartman; verso, t.l. corner and b.r.area: arrows pointing outside edge and pointing up
Publications ou références : "Hartman, Fullerton, Sorotschynski: Myth and Meaning", Interim Gallery, Georgian College, Barrie Campus, 1991, no page. "Notes from Eden", Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, 1990, p. 11.
Établissement : McMichael Canadian Art Collection  Facebook-McMichael Canadian Art Collection  Twitter-McMichael Canadian Art Collection  YouTube-McMichael Canadian Art Collection
Ville de l'établissement : Kleinburg
Province de l'établissement : Ontario

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