

Nom de l'objet : PRINT
Titre : Lord Tennyson
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : commercial decorative art
Matériaux : paper
Technique de fabrication : printed
Support : paper
Numéro d'accession : HF.
Date de fin de production : 18870820 C
Description : Rectangular black, white & pink reproduction print on paper. Print of Lord Tennyson in oval mat & square frame; pink color has been added leaving little white left; on reverse: 6 circular images of sailing scenes, 3 on either side of main scene of captain & crew in front of anchor; circular image of Yarn teller at top & one at bottom. Shape rectangular
Longueur : 36.8
Largeur : 26.2
Unité de mesure linéaire : Centimetre
Nombre d'objets : 1
Sujet ou image : Lord Tennyson
Clark's Spool Cotton
Anchor Brand
Captain Bland
Translittération de l'inscription : Description 5 At top, in black: Supplement to PEN AND PENCIL, August 20th, 1887. Description 5 at bottom, in black: From a Photo. by Elliott & Fry. Lord Tennyson. MaClure, MacDonald & Co. Lithrs. Glasgow. Description 5 on reverse is an advertisement for: Clark's Spool Cotton, Anchor Brand Description 5 has small poems to go with pictures that make a story called: A NAUTICAL NARRATIVE- INTRODUCING THE CAPTAIN BLAND_HIS SAILOR BAND, THEIR GOOD SHIP, AND_ Clark's Spool Cotton, Anchor Brand.
Établissement : Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation  Facebook-Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation  Twitter-Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation 
Ville de l'établissement : Charlottetown
Province de l'établissement : Prince Edward Island

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