

Nom de l'objet : SKATE
Type de l'objet : ice
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : sports equipment
Matériaux : metal
Numéro d'accession : HF.,.2
Fabricant : Starr Manufacturing Company
Date de fin de production : 18720418 L
Description : Steel ice skate, long almost straight blade has notch at one end slightly flares at other; horizontal top surface formed by inverted T at front and key shaped metal plate at back; almost rectangular bar, with lip at one end, screwed to slots in front and back plates connect them and allow adjustment; widest part of skate near front has adjustable width; upward curved extensions hold front and back of boot. Brand name Acme Club
Hauteur : 5.5
Longueur : 34.5
Largeur : 9.3
Unité de mesure linéaire : Centimetre
Nombre d'objets : 1
Translittération de l'inscription : Description 5 Incised on side of blade: GENUINE ACME CLUB Description 5 THE STARR MFG. CO MAKERS HALIFAX, N.S. CANADA Description 5 incised on top at extension for front of boot: Left 12 Description 5 on extension between front and back: PATENTED U.S. AUG 11 DEC 1, 63 DEC 27, 64 JULY 2 OCT 8, 67 RE NOV 16 D1 G2573 FEB 3, 74 NOV 23, 75 D.C. FEB 17 APR 18, 72 Description 5 other skate same except: Right
Établissement : Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation  Facebook-Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation  Twitter-Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation 
Ville de l'établissement : Charlottetown
Province de l'établissement : Prince Edward Island

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