

Nom de l'objet : Print
Type de l'objet : Photographic
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : Documentary Artifact
Numéro d'accession : HF.72.177.1
Description : 3 Framed photos in one frame, Hyndman Insurance Company Centennial Dinner, Nov. 29, 1972; first photo of 4 women in full length dresses and 4 men in suits; second photo of Premier Alex Campbell and Wanda Wyatt; third photo of 11 men and Wanda Wyatt
Unité de mesure linéaire : Centimetre
Nombre d'objets : 1
Sujet ou image : Campbell, Alex, Premier
Wyatt, Wanda
Hyndman Insurance Company
Centennial Dinner
Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation
Translittération de l'inscription : Typewritten on attached paper: Hyndman Insurance Company Centennial Dinner November 29, 1972. Presentation to Miss Wanda Wyatt, Chairman Prince Edward Island Heritage Foundation from insurance firms, represented by Hyndman & Co. during their business history; their centennial gift
Établissement : Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation  Facebook-Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation  Twitter-Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage Foundation 
Ville de l'établissement : Charlottetown
Province de l'établissement : Prince Edward Island

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