

Nom de l'objet : Portfolio
Titre : Intermezzi, Opus IV
Artiste ou artisan : Klinger, Max
Type de l'objet : Print
Catégorie de l'objet : Print
Médium : etching
Support : paper
Numéro d'accession : 2009-604.1 to 14
Continent d'origine : Europe
Culture : German
Date de début de production : 1879
Date de fin de production : 1880
École ou style : German Expressionism
Description : Portfolio is comprised of a portfolio cover, print wrap, and twelve etchings. (1) The portfolio cover reads, 'Intermezzi/ componirt radirt und/ Hermann Sagert/ dantbarft zugeeignet von/ Max Klinger/ Rad. Op. IV. 12 Compofitionen:/ 1. Blatt: Bär und Elfe./ 2. " Am Meer./ 3. " Verfolgter Centaur./ 4. " Mondnacht./ 5. " Kämpfende Centauren./ 6. " Bergsturz./ 7. Blatt: Simplici Schreibstunde./ 8. " Simplicius am Grabe des Einsiedlers./ 9. " Simplicius unter den Soldaten./ 10. " Simplicius in der Wald-Einöde./ 11. " Gefallene Reiter./ 12. " Amor, Tod und Jenseits./ Theo. Stroefer's Kunlfberlag in Nürnberg.' in a gothic text. The 'I' of Intermezzi is illuminated; (2) The print wrap paper consists of a series of legal size note papers glued together; (3) 'Bär und Elfe (Bear and Elf)': A nude elf or fairy is sitting in a tree, leaning down trying to poke a bear who is also sitting in the tree, with a long twig. A beach and lake surrounded by mountains are visible in the background; (3) 'Am Meer (By the Sea)': A young woman wearing a long white dress and bonnet is standing on the beach. It is very windy and her clothes and hair are being blown around. The ocean is choppy and whitecaps are forming on the waves; (4) 'Verfolgter Centaur (Perused Centaur)': Three nude men, wearing helmets, are on horseback chasing a centaur through a tall grassy field. The lead man's horse has been shot with a bow and arrow in the neck by the centaur. Consequently, the horse is rearing and its rider is falling off; (5) 'Mondnacht (Moonlight)': A view of a mountainous valley landscape with a river running through the valley and two centaurs resting on a cliff; (6) 'Kämpfende Centauren (Battling Centaurs)': Two centaurs are fighting on a snow covered mountain. A dead rabbit is laying in the snow next to the two figures; (7) 'Bergsturz (Landslide)': A view of a landslide in a mountainous river valley. There are three groups of centaurs next to the river. The furthest group consists of three centaurs with spears running from the landslide. In the middle ground there are two centaurs beckoning to the centaur in the foreground. The centaur in the foreground is throwing rocks at a snake; (8) 'Simplici Schreibstunde (Simplicius' Writing Lesson)': Wendelin von Grübben and his son, Simplicius are sitting next to their hut at a roughly constructed table, in the forest. Wendelin is giving his son a writing lesson; (9) 'Simplicius am Grabe des Einsiedlers (Simplicius at the Hermit's Grave)': Simplicius is sitting in the forest near a hut looking grief-stricken and worn. He is kneeling next to a grave which he just dug where the old hermit is about to be buried; (10) 'Simplicius unter den Soldaten (Simplicius Among the Soldiers)': A group of soldiers have arrested three men and a woman in the forest; (11) 'Simplicius in der Wald-Einöde (Simplicius in the Wilderness)': Simplicius is wearing a mask and is crouched behind a large boulder; (12) 'Gefallene Reiter (Fallen Rider)': A dead horse and rider are laying on the shore near a stream. A wolf stands behind them howling. The rider's sword is on the ground several feet from the dead man; (13) 'Amor, Tod und Jenseits (Cupid, Death and the Beyond)': A surreal scene of Cupid riding a unicycle which is attached to the front of a coffin. A skeleton, Death, is riding the coffin and being followed by an ethereal figure in flowing robes riding a bison.
Hauteur : 61.7
Largeur : 45.6
Unité de mesure linéaire : cm
Nombre de parties composantes : 14
Nom des parties composantes : (1) portfolio cover
(2) print wrap
(3-14) print
Sujet ou image : figure
Signature : Max Klinger
Département : Fine Arts
Établissement : The Winnipeg Art Gallery  Facebook-The Winnipeg Art Gallery  Twitter-The Winnipeg Art Gallery  YouTube-The Winnipeg Art Gallery
Ville de l'établissement : Winnipeg
Province de l'établissement : Manitoba

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