
laxative tins

Nom de l'objet : laxative tins
Catégorie de l'objet : packages and containers
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : boxes and bottles
Matériaux : paper(a)
Numéro de catalogue : 110.01.0073 a,b
Fabricant : a)for Henry K. Wampole & Co, Ontario.
b)Park, Davis & Co, Detroit
Culture : a)English
b)United States
Date de début de production : 19400000 L
Date de fin de production : 19600000 P
Description : Two, flat, rectangular, metal tins for holding pills:a)Wampole's Milk of Magnesia Tablets - large with white background; aqua stripe at top of lid with Wampole trademark (mortar and pestle sitting on "W") wide white space at middle with product name, aqua beneath defining contents, blue stripe at bottom indicating manufacturer; directions for use in French and English on back; hinged lid lifts from front; inside lid has product blurb and prices; contains paper inside with information plus soft paper cushion for pills, and blue cellophane cover.b)Pill Alopen small white tin with brown printing; product name printed in white on brown shape at centre, with manufacturer's name printed in brown below; printed on back is list of ingredients and dosage instructions; hinged lid lifts from front; "physician's sample".
Hauteur : a)1.0; b).
Longueur : a)8.4; b)4
Largeur : a)7.3; b)3
Nombre d'objets : 2
Établissement : Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies  Facebook-Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies  Twitter-Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies  YouTube-Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
Ville de l'établissement : Banff
Province de l'établissement : Alberta

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