
matchbox set

Nom de l'objet : matchbox set
Type de l'objet : decorative
Catégorie de l'objet : furnishings
Sous-catégorie de l'objet : household accessory
Matériaux : wood
Numéro de catalogue : 102.04.0381 a-d
Culture : Japanese
Contexte culturel : households
Date de début de production : 19500000
Date de fin de production : 19700000
Description : A set of four matching, large matchboxes fitted into red metal box with box lid. Box has Japanese writing in gold inside square frame at one corner of lid. In gold at one corner of bottom, "JAPAN". Four flat, rectangular, wooden matchboxes slide into rectangular box covers open at each end. Each box depicts on top brushwork white horse in different pose with red chop of artist, as well as name written in script, "YEDE". One long side has series of Japanese characters (each different), the other a rough striking surface for matches. Bottom is white background covered with a pattern of green and black diamond shapes, with "JAPAN" printed in red in lower right corner. (a) horse rearing (b) horse sniffing air (c) horse grazing facing right (d) horse with head lower facing left. Contains two long (10.5 cm) red-tipped matches.
Hauteur : 2.0
Longueur : 11.2
Largeur : 7.7
Nombre d'objets : 4
Établissement : Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies  Facebook-Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies  Twitter-Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies  YouTube-Whyte Museum of the Canadian Rockies
Ville de l'établissement : Banff
Province de l'établissement : Alberta

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